
Upcoming meetups

Join us at the next event to get useful advice and tips!

Spark Main Meeting - Construction 101
August 1, 2024

Spark Main Meeting - Construction 101

Come Join us to hear from the construction experts about how best to plan for Construction on your REI projects.

WIRE (Women In Real Estate) - Growth Series
August 13, 2024

WIRE (Women In Real Estate) - Growth Series

Come spend the evening with us for our WIRE - Growth Series hosted at Nuparadox's HQ! Bring your questions about: being a female entrepreneur, deals you may need assistance with, or any general questions that a tribe of smart women can help you to answer! Pizza and beverages will be provided. Members are FREE for this event Non-Members $20/person

Wholesaling Made Simple - Specialty Series with Simple Quarters
August 28, 2024

Wholesaling Made Simple - Specialty Series with Simple Quarters

Join Ronnie Reese and the Simple Quarters team to learn how to succeed in your REI Wholesaling Business!

Spark Main Meeting - To be, or not to be, A REALTOR? That is the question!
September 5, 2024

Spark Main Meeting - To be, or not to be, A REALTOR? That is the question!

Discussion from our Realtor Panel about how having your license can change your REI business.

Dinner and Deals with Dave Short - Specialty Series
September 19, 2024

Dinner and Deals with Dave Short - Specialty Series


Wholesaling Made Simple - Specialty Series with Simple Quarters
September 25, 2024

Wholesaling Made Simple - Specialty Series with Simple Quarters

Join Ronnie Reese and the Simple Quarters team to learn how to succeed in your REI Wholesaling Business!

Sell my house for cash

Get your cash offer

  1. Contact Us and tell us about your situation
  2. We will schedule a Walk-Through of the property
  3. We will make you a Cash Offer