July 10, 2024

PRACTICING HUMILITY - Putting Others First

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Podcast details

Hosted By
Brett & Ronnie
Special Guests
Episode Number

Episode Overview

For home sellers who are facing difficult situations, we are here to offer advice and help for you to quickly and easily sell your home. The Helpful Home Buyers is a service of Simple Quarters that loves to help the culture and community of Indianapolis and the greater Indiana area.

In this episode, Ronnie & Brett talk about Humility and what it means to practice humility. Humility is always important to practice, but humility is very important to practice in the workplace, when working with home sellers in distress.

At Simple Quarters, we want to put the Home Seller first. We strive to be humble in all of our interactions and consider others before ourselves. Humility is one of our top core values at Simple Quarters. We demonstrate this first, by listening. There are so many Home Sellers who have been through so many hardships and have even been lied to by other Home Buyers. Some other Home Buyers don't care about the Home Sellers; they just care about making money. But we want to put God first and the Seller first.

Many times we practice humility by praying with the Home Sellers. We practice humility by being flexible to unique situations. Sometimes it's giving more time to people to move out who are going through sickness or other complications.

It's been said we have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak. At Simple Quarters we want to listen to your situation and see how we can best help you as the Home Seller.

In the Bible, Philippians 2:3-4 says, "Do nothing out of rivalry or vanity; but, in humility, regard each other as better than yourselves — look out for each other’s interests and not just for your own."

In short, we can all practice humility by putting others first. And for Home Sellers in tough circumstances, it's especially important to put them first. If you need some one you can trust to help you Sell your home easily, please, give us a call. 317-900-HOME.

Simple Quarters is a local Indiana company that loves helping Hoosiers. We're a Christian company, that desires to help home sellers in distress. We want to treat others as we'd like to be treated.

That's why we created The Helpful Home Buyers, to help inform home sellers in hard circumstances and offer them solutions. In this episode, we talk about some difficulties home sellers face.

Some difficulties home sellers face include:

  • needing help transitioning from a home that is too big for them
  • needing to move quickly if obtaining a new job or needing to care for a loved one
  • not wanting the hassle and lengthy time of listing & showing properties and paying broker fees
  • having a home with too many expensive repairs to make
  • a recent death in the family & needing to get rid of a home & stress quickly
  • wanting to sell a tenant occupied property and not have to deal with the tenants
  • needing to sell a home behind on mortgage payments
  • needing to sell a property with squatters
  • needing to sell an abandoned property

At Simple Quarters, we love solving  your problems for you. We're very good at helping home sellers in troubled situations. We've been doing it for almost 20 years. We've seen many different situations and have come up with many creative and helpful solutions. And we want to make sure you get a fair price for your home.

There is no shame whatever your home situation is. There is no need to be embarrassed. Whether the distress has to do with finances, condition of the home, a tenant hardship, a messy home, it doesn't matter. We are non-judgmental as we realize there are real hardships out there. We are Helpful Home Buyers, and we're here to help.

One of our approaches at Simple Quarters that is different from most companies is that we try to offer uniquely tailored offers to each individual seller. Every circumstance and home is unique. We'll be flexible to help you, even if plans change. If we can't help you, we don't want to buy your home. One of our mottos is "the seller must benefit." We keep our word, and try to help you get money in your pocket as quickly as possible, while relieving you of stress, so you can move on with your life successfully.

We love to help every home seller we encounter. If you need a helpful home buyer, please give us a call. We would love to give you a free cash offer. Call Simple Quarters at 317-900-HOME.

Sell my house for cash

Get your cash offer

  1. Contact Us and tell us about your situation
  2. We will schedule a Walk-Through of the property
  3. We will make you a Cash Offer